How will I know that my gift card has been delivered?
You’ll get an email when the recipient receives the eGift card. You also can confirm delivery by checking the order status on the Your Orders page. (Look for “received” under Status.)
What if I put in the wrong email address or phone number?
The email address or phone number can be updated until the card is redeemed. After that 360attire cannot cancel or re-fund your order and the balance cannot be transferred. If the gift card cannot be delivered we will notify you to update and resend.
How fast will an email or text message gift card be delivered?
eGift Cards are normally delivered within 5 minutes. In rare circumstances your delivery may be delayed. You can check your status of your gift card in your orders. If you schedule a delivery, the card will be sent on the day you selected.
How are email gift cards redeemed?
Recipients can click or tap the “Apply to your 360attire account” button in the email message. Alternatively, recipients can copy their claim code and paste it into the text field on the Redeem a gift card page.
Can the gift card be used on another 360attire website in another country?
No, 360attire.com Gift Cards can only be used to purchase eligible goods and services on 360attire.com. However, the gift card recipient can use the Gift Card on 360attire.com and then ship to their address of choice either in the US or in another country.
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